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The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre (SICC), in partnership with the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport (PCS), created a database and platform that shares Saskatchewan First Nations traditional place names. These are usually the original lands of First Nations, lakes, stones, etc. that have existed before colonization. The names may be in any of the Saskatchewan language groups and contains the traditional place name in the First Nation language, the English name, a short description and when available, an image and video. SICC expects this traditional place names map to be populated slowly and over time as communities undertake community projects.


First Nations Communities Traditional Mapping 

SICC encourages Saskatchewan First Nations engage in their own traditional place names projects that is Elder led. The community may come together to share the traditional place names that they know, map out the locations, share traditional oral history, take oral history video of the Elders, take pictures of the locations and video of the locations. With proper planning, SICC is open to guiding communities through carrying this out through grant funding and partnering with communities to carry out community projects to contribute to the overall project.

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